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The USTA-Nevada Elite League sponsored by's Marty Hennessy Jr. Tennis Foundation is designed to bring together the top junior players in southern Nevada to experience competition in a team format. The intent is to promote a high level of competitive play and prepare players for collegiate competition.

Elite League team members were selected from the top 48 junior players in southern Nevada, ages 18 & Under. Players were chosen according to their national ranking and later assigned to their respective teams by way of a draft.

The league match on the 27th featured multiple split-set matches and a guest appearance by touring pro Asia Muhammad. A special thanks to the Darling Tennis Center and UNLV for allowing us to use their courts, and to the Marty Hennessy Foundation, whose financial assistance helped make this league possible.

Ties for first place was Team Red and Team White, both with two wins and 1 loss. Since Red beat White in their only meeting this years winning team was Team Red coached by Saad Ashraf. Flight A included Kristofer Yee, Aashish Daulat, Julia Baltas, Brian Foley, Andrew Raphaelson, Pascal Nilsson. B Flight: Rohan Gupte, Max Novak, Raquel Lopez, Jordan Minnick, Lucas Lee, Dylan Levitt, Erika Mauban (sub) Mark Feldman . Team White 's A flight included Patrick Kawka, Dillon Berkabile, Sarah Toti, Rebecca Cleary, Josh Levinson, Anita Lee.B Flight: Devon Morrissey, Mitchell Smith, Taler Brazell, Danica Ingwaldson, Danae Ingwaldson, McKay Novak, Maia Bernick (sub) Ashley Wao-Udin (sub), Chrys Castro (sub).
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Marty Hennessy Foundation
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