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Just eight years ago the Stirling Club, Charlie Palmer group, a handful of members and entertainment legend Tony Bennett teamed up with Marty Hennessy, Mike Agassi and Ryan Wolfington to start a youth foundation that would give children an opportunity to play tennis, have leadership experiences, and academic help in hopes of earning scholarships to college. When it began, the poster child of the organization was Frideric Prandecki. He was the first child the foundation supported. Frideric, along with others that followed, have always been part of a program called "Earning your way." In this program they work for their scholarships as a way to understand the value of what has been given.

Member Stan Tomchin is hosting a "European Leadership Tour" with tennis Director Marty Hennessy for a number of children in's Marty Hennessy Jr. Tennis Foundation. Many Stirling Club members spearheaded this foundation 8 years ago and now boast helping introduce tennis, mentoring and education to thousands of at-risk youth annually. Their leadership program has a 100% success rate getting children into college on scholarship for tennis and academics. This summer, many of the foundation youth earned the opportunity to go to Wimbledon, attend leadership lunches and tours of the great European landmarks. Part of the experience includes lunch with Tim Henman's family and seats in his VIP box. The foundations captains from the leadership program were invited to attend, a special designation often referred to as the "seniors."

Honoring top student athletes, college scholarship graduates and award winners

Guests of honor Commissioner Lawrence Weekly & Mike Agassi

Las Vegas, Nevada - April 29, 2011 - The USTA-Nevada Junior Awards Banquet and Nate Schulman Tennis Ball is a formal sit down dinner held each year to celebrate the accomplishments of the student athletes in the tennis community. USTA-Nevada board of Directors and awards committee will recognize this years graduating class which includes many that will go onto play college tennis on scholarship, as well as the special category winners for the USTA and for's Marty Hennessy Jr. Tennis Foundation, the event sponsor. Also being honored are those players who reached a top 5 year end state ranking.

Connections Academy
Tennis Warehouse
Great Harvest Bread Co.
Marty Hennessy Foundation
Tennis Training Aid - AceBuilder Service Target
The Volley Cam
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